Please note that the information in this article only applies to customers who are part of an Onto for Business account.
We offer bolt-on options to drivers who are a part of an Onto for Business subscription:
Mileage - Each of your drivers has 750 miles per month included as standard. At any point you can add an extra 250, 500, 750 or 1,000 miles in a month for one or more of your drivers by purchasing a mileage bolt-on.
Reduced Damage Excess - This bolt-on allows you to reduce your insurance excess from £1,000 to £650, £350 or Zero. When you choose this bolt-on, the other features of your cover remain exactly the same. Please note this bolt-on can only be added when a new subscription is taken out or when the car is swapped.
EU travel – If you want to drive your car in the European Union, please ask your company’s designated point of contact to email us at Prices will be confirmed on application.
How to add a bolt-on
If any of your drivers would like to add a bolt-on, please email us at Just remember that we can only respond to requests that come from your company’s designated point of contact.